Sunday, July 19, 2020

Heroes Act Matters for NYC Schools (but too late for September) | JD2718

Heroes Act Matters for NYC Schools (but too late for September) | JD2718

Heroes Act Matters for NYC Schools (but too late for September)

The Heroes Act would send money to the states, and NY State would send some to localities, including NYC, which could then spend it on essential workers and teachers:
…nearly $1 trillion in aid for state and local governments so they can pay “vital workers like first responders, health workers, and teachers”
Right now, the Chancellor’s reopening plan, calls for hybrid learning. I would teach 9 kids in school, and then 9 kids the next day, etc. But who is teaching the kids at home?  Mulgrew used to say the obvious – it can’t be the same teacher doing both at once. He should say that some more.
And because of that, we will need more teachers if we are to make blended or hybrid learning work.
I need to be honest with you, I don’t think will work. I don’t think the Chancellor and Mayor will figure it out, or care, so I think it is up to us to tell them 1) it won’t work, and 2) no, please stop. It would be helpful if Michael Mulgrew disassociated himself from these less than helpful remarks: “We believe a blended learning model, with students in class on some days and remote on others, balances our safety concerns with the need to bring students back.” and said instead “We are not ready. We will not be ready.”
But while we are stuck with this “plan” a key component is additional teachers. And that’s hard for a few reasons. And the first reason is money. And the Heroes Act could get us over that particular hurdle.
Schools in New York City are looking at budget cuts. At this point they are excessing teachers. (Excessing CONTINUE READING: Heroes Act Matters for NYC Schools (but too late for September) | JD2718