Tuesday, July 28, 2020

glen brown: "Plain and simple: it is wrong to reopen schools at this time" -Michael Flanagan

glen brown: "Plain and simple: it is wrong to reopen schools at this time" -Michael Flanagan

"Plain and simple: it is wrong to reopen schools at this time" -Michael Flanagan

“There has been a growing push by the Trump administration and the Coronavirus deniers to reopen schools, and it is about to get ugly. Politicians are trying to convince parents that the reason they will not be able to return to work is because of lazy, selfish teachers…

“Politicians want the pressure on. They want to force schools to open before it is safe in order to get the economy moving. They want this, despite the fact that scientific data does not support the notion that reopening schools is safe. If we were to open schools now, we would literally be sacrificing children, teachers, and the health of families, to the wishes of these politicians who clearly have no regard for our lives.

“To accomplish this, they are seeking to create discord among us—it is a divide-and-conquer strategy at its most obvious. Scapegoat teachers and their unions as lazy and greedy, as unconcerned about the stress parents are under. Portray parents as having no concern for the professionals who educate their children.

“Plain and simple: it is wrong to reopen schools at this time. If schools are open now, there will be no safety. Social distancing in a school, even in a blended hybrid model, will never work. Air conditioning re-circulates the infected air. Schools cannot fund the constant cleaning, testing, and infrastructure maintenance necessary to make things sanitary. And it would be virtually impossible to enforce the mask mandates, CONTINUE READING: glen brown: "Plain and simple: it is wrong to reopen schools at this time" -Michael Flanagan