Friday, July 24, 2020

glen brown: Perhaps a Paradigm for the Entire Country: Washington Education Association demands safety first in any plans to return to school this fall

glen brown: Perhaps a Paradigm for the Entire Country: Washington Education Association demands safety first in any plans to return to school this fall

Perhaps a Paradigm for the Entire Country: Washington Education Association demands safety first in any plans to return to school this fall

As the number of new COVID-19 cases continues to grow across Washington [and elsewhere], we are sadly faced with a choice between two bad options – either return to schools and put our educators, students, and community at risk or return to a distance learning and virtual instruction model. 

We know that in-person teaching and learning is best for both students and educators, and educators want nothing more than to get back into schools with our students. The reality is that, with very few exceptions, we are nowhere close to containing the spread of this virus and nowhere close to being able to guarantee the health and safety of our students, educators, families, and communities.  Therefore, we cannot responsibly support a return to school buildings for in-person learning this fall.  We call on Governor Inslee to continue leading with science and safety and declare that schools will open remotely this fall. 

Coronavirus puts our whole school community at risk. 

Statewide, more than 120,000 public educators are in school buildings each day.  They are our teachers, bus drivers, librarians, office staff, para educators, food service workers, nurses, counselors, therapists, and countless other professionals who support and serve our students. We know that nearly one out of five are over 60 years old, and many have underlying health conditions. 

We also know that more students than ever live in multi-generational homes, and many themselves also have underlying health conditions. If we proceed with opening schools for in-person learning while the number of cases continues to grow, CONTINUE READING: glen brown: Perhaps a Paradigm for the Entire Country: Washington Education Association demands safety first in any plans to return to school this fall