Monday, July 6, 2020

Facing Uncertainty: Opening Schools during a Pandemic | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Facing Uncertainty: Opening Schools during a Pandemic | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Facing Uncertainty: Opening Schools during a Pandemic

As an ex-superintendent of schools (I served seven years in a mid-sized East coast city), family and friends have asked me often what I would specifically recommend to a school board when to re-open schools and under what conditions. I have given the question a lot of thought but have been reluctant to answer simply because I no longer sit in the superintendent’s suite and in the time I served there were surely crises but nothing like this pandemic.
So much remains unknown about the virus itself–its transmission, mutations and resurgence after the “curve has been flattened.” How long one has immunity if they have had Covid-19 also is a mystery.
Sure, there are ways to protect one’s self from getting the coronavirus through physical distancing, wearing masks, and avoiding gatherings of family and friends. There is no treatment other than self-quarantine and if one has to be hospitalized concerns about using ventilators and the disease’s after effects fuel anxieties. Finally, no vaccine is yet available.
And then there is its unusual pattern of spreading across the country with relatively safe areas and hot spots scattered across the nation. Map below show green counties (lowest incidence of infections to red counties (highest incidence)
Incidence of infections by county
In short, each person, each family, each business has to make risky decisions of what to do daily–from going to re-opened bars and restaurants to getting a haircut to CONTINUE READING: Facing Uncertainty: Opening Schools during a Pandemic | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice