Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Discussing Safety while Looking at Educational Justice and Equality | JD2718

Discussing Safety while Looking at Educational Justice and Equality | JD2718

Discussing Safety while Looking at Educational Justice and Equality

My primary focus for the last few days, weeks, months, has been safety. And Black Lives Matter. And the pandemic. But for the last few days, as the NYC Department of Education has issued directives that they have mislabeled “plans,” it has been just safety.
A friend asked me to reframe the conversation in a way to bring the needs of vulnerable children forward
How do we effectively manage for safety concerns while ensuring the most vulnerable learners actually get an education?…Some of our students, they are not learning for a myriad of reasons. And, some are.  We are framing the conversation without holding the most vulnerable learners in mind and merely thinking about safety but from our personal perspective. That will get us to a flawed system.
I think she was right. And as I began to talk to teachers I found quite a few who agreed – not close to the majority though. And the trickiest part? There’s no space. There’s no DoE or UFT fostering these kinds of discussions. We need this space to exist. Or we need to create it. I’m not sure how.
In any case, a tremendous contribution to this discussion came across my desktop yesterday. I am sharing excerpts below, and the whole thing is linked here.
The title is “A Teacher’s Response to Medical Health Guidelines around Re-opening Schools” and it is by CONTINUE READING: Discussing Safety while Looking at Educational Justice and Equality | JD2718