Tuesday, July 7, 2020

“Defund the Police,” and, “Defund the Billionaires,” Create a Job-Friendly, Equitable Economy for All | Ed In The Apple

“Defund the Police,” and, “Defund the Billionaires,” Create a Job-Friendly, Equitable Economy for All | Ed In The Apple

“Defund the Police,” and, “Defund the Billionaires,” Create a Job-Friendly, Equitable Economy for All

In the early 2000’s I was at the New School University listening to Reverend Floyd Flake, senior pastor at the 23,000 member Greater Allen African Methodist Episcopal Cathedral. Reverend Flake served as a member of Congress (1987-97) and is a strong supporter of charter schools.
Flake was critical of public schools, the level of education was sub par, staffs don’t live in the communities and were not engaged with the community. I asked Floyd if he agreed that the police were not engaged with the community, didn’t live in the community and oftentimes unfairly targeted members of the community: he nodded in agreement.  I asked whether Floyd agreed that in addition to charter schools we should have “charter” police departments.
Flake demurred, and his handlers hustled him out of the meeting.
Maybe I was prescient?
In middle class and white communities the police were looked upon as crime fighters protecting the community from the evil doers, in communities of color: feared. In the 1920’s and 30’s crime was rampant; the 18th Amendment, “… the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors … is … prohibited” was widely ignored, Murder Incorporated . operated with impunity, the police both ignored or were complicit.
In communities of color the police have been the foot soldiers of local and state CONTINUE READING: “Defund the Police,” and, “Defund the Billionaires,” Create a Job-Friendly, Equitable Economy for All | Ed In The Apple