Saturday, July 18, 2020

Are Parents, Teachers and School Boards Epidemiologists? State Ed Gives Districts Wide Discretion in Crafting Re-Opening Plans | Ed In The Apple

Are Parents, Teachers and School Boards Epidemiologists? State Ed Gives Districts Wide Discretion in Crafting Re-Opening Plans | Ed In The Apple

Are Parents, Teachers and School Boards Epidemiologists? State Ed Gives Districts Wide Discretion in Crafting Reopening Plans

The NYS Department of Education released re-opening guidance, all 145 pages of guidance. (Read here)
The key sentence:  “The guidance encourages community involvement and allows for flexibility so that districts and schools in every corner of the state can assess their unique situation and develop a plan that best meets the needs of their students.”
On the instructional side, “… the document reminds schools and districts that they must always work to create and foster culturally responsive, student-centered learning environments that affirm racial, linguistic and cultural identitiesprepare students for rigor and independent learning; develop students’ abilities to connect across lines of difference; elevate historically marginalized voices; and empower students as agents of social change.”
In other words, continue to do what we hope you’ve been doing instructionally in whatever configuration your school district thinks will meet the needs of your students.
The document frequently uses the words “encourage,” “consider” “assess,” the ultimate decisions will be made by your school district and principals, with stakeholder participation and requires approval by the state.