Friday, July 24, 2020

A VERY BUSY DAY Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
The latest news and resources in education since 2007

You Won’t Want To Miss This NY Times Podcast On School Segregation: “Nice White Parents”
mohamed_hassan / Pixabay The New York Times just announced that they are unveiling a new podcast next week called “Nice White Parents.” : “Nice White Parents” is a new podcast from Serial Productions, brought to you by The New York Times, about the 60-year relationship between white parents and the public school down the block. We know that American public schools do not guarantee each child an e
Friday’s Three Must-Read Articles On School Reopening Plans
christels / Pixabay Here are new additions to THE BEST POSTS PREDICTING WHAT SCHOOLS WILL LOOK LIKE IN THE FALL : Reopening Schools Is Way Harder Than It Should Be is from The NY Times. Schools may soon apply for waivers to reopen — but only with union support is from The L.A. Times. Remote Learning? No Thanks. is from The NY Times.
Trump Gets CDC To Modify School Reopening Guidance – This Certainly Will Strengthen Everyone’s Confidence In It
geralt / Pixabay President Trump was successful today in getting the CDC to modify it’s school reopening guidelines. Surprisingly, though it does appear that the changes weren’t as much as many of us feared. Nevertheless, with public confidence in the CDC getting lower by the day , agreeing to any changes that appear to further Trump’s political agenda are likely to result in those perceptions ge
The Distance Learning Chapter Of Our New Book Will Be Available For Free On Saturday
DavidRockDesign / Pixabay As I wrote last week , the publisher of the second edition of The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide , has agreed to release our distance learning chapter early and free-of-charge – and no registration will be required! It’s ready, and will be available first at the VirtuEL website on Saturday morning, where you’ll be able to check out lots of workshops (and a keynote by m
Federal Eviction Expires Today; California’s Expires In September – How Will Schools Cope With Big Increase Of Homeless Students?
The federal moratorium on eviction expires today (see A federal eviction moratorium ends this week, putting 12 million tenants at risk ). California’s state moratorium ends in September (see Coronavirus CA: Gov. Newsom extends state eviction moratorium through September ). The number of homeless students in the United States last year was estimated to be 1.5 million . Even if “only” five-to-ten p
Here Are Detailed – & Tentative – Distance Learning Plans For All My Fall Classes
Wokandapix / Pixabay This week, in an attempt to alleviate some of my many worries about the fall , I wrote up very tentative plans for each of my upcoming fall classes. I want to emphasize the word “tentative.” In fact, I’ve already made changes to them since they were originally published. I still have to write one more post to complete this series but, based on the feedback I’ve received so fa
Next: Here’s A Distance-Learning Plan For My Theory Of Knowledge Classes
geralt / Pixabay Two days ago, I posted Okay, Now, Here’s My Tentative Remote Teaching Plan For U.S. History . Yesterday, I shared Updated Distance Learning Plan For My Newcomer/Intermediate ELL Class . Now, it’s time for my last scheduled class: three periods of the International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge course. Yesterday was the last day of a four-week class preparing educators for all
Not-Surprising Statistic Of The Day: A Lot Of Our Students Don’t Have Devices Or High-Speed Internet
California is short 1 million laptops and hot spots for kids as it prepares online school is from today’s Sacramento Bee, and is not good news. 16.9 million children remain logged out because they don’t have internet at home is a new report released by FutureReady, and is also not good news. It’s going to be a hell of a fall…
Slideshow: Sketchnotes From Books About Teaching ELLs
Katie Toppel is the founder and coordinator of a fabulous online book study group for teachers of English Language Learners. She makes “sketchnotes” about the different books, and she agreed to let me share a sampling. Enjoy!
Google Unveils “It’s A Wonderful World” For Traveling – Virtually
Today, Google unveiled “It’s A Wonderful World, ” a Google Arts and Culture selection of the most iconic places to visit around the world. You can read more about it here . In addition, they provide video instructions about how to create a video travelogue showing your own virtual travels throughout the 

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007