Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Yup, Police PACS Give A Lot Of Money – redqueeninla

Yup, Police PACS Give A Lot Of Money – redqueeninla

Yup, Police PACS Give A Lot Of Money

There’s been some shock about LA City Council members receipt of monies from the LA Police Protective League.
But they all do it, accept money from these PACS.
Here’s the collected contributions to politicians between 2017-2020 from off calaccess of LAPPL, ID# 743579.  There are 170 currently active “Recipient Cmtes” registered throughout the state with the name “Police” in their title. There are four different recipient committees for the “LA Police Protective League” alone. And there are many more LA-based law enforcement associations. This is just one of these PACS. And it contributed a total of $2.5m (so far) to various candidates statewide in the 3½ years between 2017 – 2020.
The table below is organized by the last office type a politician ran for. So if Suzy Q ran for school board and then later Assembly, both contributions get listed as CONTINUE READING: Yup, Police PACS Give A Lot Of Money – redqueeninla