Wednesday, June 24, 2020

White People, We Need to be Responsible for Our Own Racism | gadflyonthewallblog

White People, We Need to be Responsible for Our Own Racism | gadflyonthewallblog

White People, We Need to be Responsible for Our Own Racism

Hey, White people.
We need to talk.
You may be watching all these protests and demonstrations lately and be wondering what they have to do with you.
After all, you didn’t kill George Floyd. You didn’t put up a Confederate statue. You didn’t call the police on a Black person just because he was being Black.
At least, I hope you didn’t.
But all this strife and unrest really does have a lot to do with you.
Not because of anything you did necessarily, but because of who you are – your role in society.
Now don’t get all defensive on me.
I’m not saying you should feel guilty for things that you had no control over, don’t CONTINUE READING: White People, We Need to be Responsible for Our Own Racism | gadflyonthewallblog