Monday, June 22, 2020

There is no easy calculation for September | JD2718

There is no easy calculation for September | JD2718

There is no easy calculation for September

At Wednesday’s United Federation of Teachers Delegate Assembly and again at Thursday’s UFT Town Hall, President Michael Mulgrew made the point clearly:
“Socially Distanced Capacity” divided by “# of Teachers” ≠ “Number of ‘cohorts'”
If you listened in, you heard him explain. Say you have a fourth grade with 200 kids. 8 teachers. Given your capacity, you can fit 100 kids into 10 rooms. But where do the extra two teachers come from? And who is teaching the 100 kids remotely?
He made it simple. Honestly, that was enough for the DA. But the situation on the ground will be far more complex. Push-ins change student capacity. We are not talking about lunch. Which, I assume, is a time masks come off? How much time will teachers stay in rooms without breaks? How will bathroom flow (pardon the choice of words) be managed?
It’s wonderful to say “oh yes, entrance can be staggered” – but I know the people saying it have not tried to do it. Nor managed distancing in hallways that are half-full. Nor stairwells. Nor elevators.
But we don’t have to go there. Mulgrew made it really clear.
And he had to. The DoE had put out an absurdly dumb powerpoint that facilely made it sound CONTINUE READING: There is no easy calculation for September | JD2718