Thursday, June 11, 2020

Russ on Reading: Instruction for the Vulnerable Reader: Comprehension

Russ on Reading: Instruction for the Vulnerable Reader: Comprehension

Instruction for the Vulnerable Reader: Comprehension

This is the fourth in a series on instruction for vulnerable readers that is a companion to my series on Why Johnny Can't Read. Other posts in this series addressed decoding, spelling and vocabulary. In this post we turn our attention to comprehension.

There are three key concepts to keep in mind when thinking about teaching reading comprehension.

1. Comprehension is an intentional act. Readers need to actively engage with text with the intention of understanding.
2. The more you know about a topic before you read the better your comprehension of the reading will be.
3. Students can be taught strategies that will help them strengthen their comprehension.

So intention matters, prior knowledge matters, and instruction matters. Here are some posts that deal with these issues: CONTINUE READING: 
Russ on Reading: Instruction for the Vulnerable Reader: Comprehension