Monday, June 1, 2020

Russ on Reading: Instruction for the Vulnerable Reader: Word Work

Russ on Reading: Instruction for the Vulnerable Reader: Word Work

Instruction for the Vulnerable Reader: Word Work

Last week's post addressed one aspect of the question Why Johnny Can't Read, the issue of quality of instruction. Quality instruction, I argue, is balanced instruction. Balanced instruction includes word work, read aloud, shared reading and writing, guided reading, and independent reading and writing.

Today, I would like to focus on word work. Here are some posts from over the years that address the decoding and sight words. Other posts will deal with other aspects of word work, namely, spelling and vocabulary. Underpinning any word work is student oral language, so I began this listing with my post on that issue. Once students begin to develop some proficiency in word work, fluency instruction can help them "read the words so they CONTINUE READING: 
Russ on Reading: Instruction for the Vulnerable Reader: Word Work