Monday, June 1, 2020

Imagine a Unites States … – radical eyes for equity

Imagine a Unites States … – radical eyes for equity

Imagine a Unites States …

People often either over-idealize or reject as a “bad” song the lyrics to John Lennon’s “Imagine,” but the concept serves a useful purpose.
Imagine a United States where the public and political leadership took seriously Colin Kaepernick’s peaceful protests against the racially inequitable policing and justice system in the US.
Malcolm X knee
Imagine white America taking action because they listened, believed, and truly wanted an equitable and just country.
Imagine the many Black lives that would be with us today, alive and mostly anonymous in those lives.
Imagine no marches, no protests or signs emblazoned with “George Floyd” or “Black Lives Matter.”
But, instead, white America attacked Kaepernick, retreated into their comfortable white denial.
But, instead, white America today points accusatory fingers at “riots” and CONTINUE READING: Imagine a Unites States … – radical eyes for equity