Saturday, June 27, 2020

Harley Litzelman: Cops Don’t Keep Kids Safe at School | Diane Ravitch's blog

Harley Litzelman: Cops Don’t Keep Kids Safe at School | Diane Ravitch's blog

Harley Litzelman: Cops Don’t Keep Kids Safe at School

Harvey Litzelman, a teacher in California, explains why police don’t make schools safe.
When he first entered teaching, before he ever got any lessons about teaching, he was shown a video about how to handle a school shooter. The video was called “Run Hide Defend.” It made clear that the teacher was the first line of defense for students.
He writes:
Having taught in Oakland for several years after watching that video, I’ve seen very clearly how cycles of poverty, violence, and trauma manifest on my campus. I’ve seen students brutally attack one another; I’ve seen their adult family members join in. I’ve heard rumors and reports of weapons changing hands and threats of school shootings. And in every single instance, I’ve seen unarmed professionals trained to work with young people leverage the relationships they have with students to deescalate tense situations and repair harm after violent ones. Never have I seen a situation that would have been better handled by an officer of the Oakland School Police Department (OSPD) or the city’s Oakland Police Department.

The police do not keep kids (or adults) safe at school, whether from school shootings or any lesser offense. Teachers, support staff, and students themselves do. This is an argument that requires us to challenge the CONTINUE READING: Harley Litzelman: Cops Don’t Keep Kids Safe at School | Diane Ravitch's blog