Sunday, June 7, 2020

Defund the Police to Fund Public Schools | gadflyonthewallblog

Defund the Police to Fund Public Schools | gadflyonthewallblog

Defund the Police to Fund Public Schools

Back in the pre-Coronavirus days when we still had in-person classes I used to come to school in a suit.
I didn’t have to – the dress code allowed me to wear pretty much whatever I wanted and most teachers dressed much more casually.
Now let me be clear – I’m not saying my way was the only wayEach teacher has his or her own way of doing things that work in their particular cases. But as for me, I’ve always agreed with the old adage that you should come dressed for the job you want, not necessarily the job you have.
I think educators are professionals. They should be respected and taken seriously.
And on the first day of school that’s what I want to tell my students without even opening my mouth: Hey! We’re doing important work here today.
However, as time goes on I often wear whimsical ties. A saxophone, multicolored fish, Space Invaders on test days.
In fact, this year some of the kids nicknamed me “tie man” and even if they didn’t have me as their teacher they’d pop their heads into the room to see what was CONTINUE READING: Defund the Police to Fund Public Schools | gadflyonthewallblog