Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The University of California System Abandons the SAT/ACT: Will SUNY Follow? How Will Prospective Students Be Selected? | Ed In The Apple

The University of California System Abandons the SAT/ACT: Will SUNY Follow? How Will Prospective Students Be Selected? | Ed In The Apple

The University of California System Abandons the SAT/ACT: Will SUNY Follow? How Will Prospective Students Be Selected?

In a historic move likely to have national repercussions, the University of California Board of Regents voted … to stop requiring students to submit college-entrance tests the SAT or ACT for admissions purposes. The vote was a unanimous 23-0.
The system has given itself until the fall of 2025 to develop a bespoke standardized test for California residents. If the UC cannot create a new test that better aligns with what students learned in school, it’ll drop the testing requirement completely for Californians. 
The debate over college admissions has been ongoing for years, many years: Are the current tests discriminatory? Can you create a non-discriminatory test? Are other methods, for example, class standing discriminatory to another class of students?
The Scholastic Aptitude Test, the SAT, has been around, in many forms, since the 1920s.  The SAT (and the more recent ACT) have been the gatekeepers determining admission to colleges. Elite colleges have required higher scores and have made allowances for legacy students, students of alumni, commonly contributors to the school.
The research is overwhelming re the discriminatory impact of current “standardized” tests.
The evidence for a stubborn race gap on this test does… provide a snapshot into CONTINUE READING: The University of California System Abandons the SAT/ACT: Will SUNY Follow? How Will Prospective Students Be Selected? | Ed In The Apple