Monday, May 25, 2020

Open Letter: Education Week’s Coverage of the Life, Career, and Death of Ken Goodman – radical eyes for equity

Open Letter: Education Week’s Coverage of the Life, Career, and Death of Ken Goodman – radical eyes for equity

Open Letter: Education Week’s Coverage of the Life, Career, and Death of Ken Goodman

The May 21, 2020 article in Education Week by Stephen Sawchuk fails to honor the remarkable life and career of Ken Goodman on the occasion of his death. Instead, the publication has used this significant loss to the field of literacy as well as the Goodman family and friends for yet another opportunity to perpetuate the misleading narrative about the “science of reading.”
While Ken Goodman spent his life and career dedicated to reading and literacy, leaving behind a legacy of wide-reaching influence through his scholarship and embodying an ethic of kindness and inquiry, the selective use of interviews and incomplete references to research in the EdWeek article construct a distorted and tarnished image of a powerful voice in the field of education.
There is ample room for scholarly debate and disagreement in the complex and still evolving understanding of how children learn to read; however, EdWeek has chosen a solemn moment to continue a single-minded and misguided refrain about the “science of reading”—at the expense of the dignity and respect many know Ken and his family deserve.
Those signed below find the EdWeek coverage both insensitive to Ken and his family, and harmful to the field of literacy and reading.
This is a new low in EdWeek’s role as a high-profile voice in education. By mis-serving Ken and the field of literacy and reading, EdWeek has further eroded the publication’s credibility. CONTINUE READING: Open Letter: Education Week’s Coverage of the Life, Career, and Death of Ken Goodman – radical eyes for equity