Thursday, May 21, 2020

Meet Dr. Cade Brumley – Educate Louisiana

Meet Dr. Cade Brumley – Educate Louisiana

Meet Dr. Cade Brumley

Today, the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) appointed a successor to John White who has been recognized by national publications as not only the longest serving of any state superintendent of education, but also the most controversial. Today marks the end of a reign of terror in which the only way was White’s way.
Dr. Cade Brumley first caught my attention back in late 2016, or early 2017. One of the non-profit education reform groups with inappropriate influence over education policy was repeatedly giving subtle praise to him. I’ve learned after seven years of advocating for education, when these groups support something, or someone, there’s a connection somewhere, or a plan. A little digging revealed that Brumley had participated in the Broad Superintendent’s Academy, the Harvard Institute for Superintendents, and National Institute for Excellence in Teaching programs which are heavily funded fronts for education reform policy. Connection found.
After a couple of conversations with friends who live in DeSoto parish, the small rural school district where Brumley served as superintendent, I learned that he was widely regarded and respected as a straight-shooting school leader and a genuinely good guy.
I followed him on Twitter for a few months, noting that his comments related to school policy were often in line with mine, and occasionally opposite of John White. I decided to reach out to him and ask him to explain the affiliation with the fellowships. CONTINUE READING: Meet Dr. Cade Brumley – Educate Louisiana