Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Louisiana’s Next Superintendent: Baghian, or Brumley, or Neither? | deutsch29

Louisiana’s Next Superintendent: Baghian, or Brumley, or Neither? | deutsch29

Louisiana’s Next Superintendent: Baghian, or Brumley, or Neither?

Louisiana’s Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) expects to vote on Louisiana’s next state superintendent on May 20, 2020.
However, according to a May 07, 2020 tweet by Advocate reporter, Will Sentell, none of the six candidates has the necessary 8 out of 11 BESE member votes to be elected as the next superintendent:
I was not surprised by this behind-the-scenes polling of BESE members. Former state superintendent John White’s presence in his position was never brought to a formal vote because behind-the-scenes polling had his reappointment deadlocked at 7 to 4, with the one elected BESE member not purchased by out-of-state billionaires/Louisiana Business and Industry (LABI), Kathy Edmonston, holding out, as did the three governor-appointed BESE members. So, John White’s second, four-year stint had him in his job as a month-to-month employee, which allowed the ed-reform, LABI/out-of-state billionaire-bought, 2016 BESE majority to keep White as state superintendent by default. The strategy: Just don’t bring the issue to a vote.
But now, we’re in 2020, and some deal was cut such that days prior to Louisiana governor, John Bel Edwards’ second, 2020, inauguration, White resigned. Prior to CONTINUE READING: Louisiana’s Next Superintendent: Baghian, or Brumley, or Neither? | deutsch29