Monday, May 11, 2020

"How Are You Doing With Teaching in This Pandemic?" Not So Well… | Eclectablog

"How Are You Doing With Teaching in This Pandemic?" Not So Well… | Eclectablog

“How Are You Doing With Teaching in This Pandemic?” Not So Well…

Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.
A friend asked me how I was doing during this pandemic, and I thought I’d share my perspective as a teacher who has struggled to find my footing in our new reality…
How am I doing, you ask?
To be honest, not well. I’ve been a teacher for 40 years now, and I really love teaching. I love the interactions with my students, and colleagues. I loved teaching high school band for 10 years–I couldn’t believe I got paid to make music with kids–and I really get a thrill now out of helping my college students find their voices as musicians and teachers, and helping them to realize their dreams; whether that’s being a middle school chorus teacher, or an early childhood music teacher, or a freshly minted college professor.
But I didn’t go into teaching to invite students to a Zoom meeting, wear a pair of noise-canceling headphones, and talk through a mic to a Brady-Bunch-style laptop screen where my most frequent advice is to remind my students to “unmute” their microphones. It feels artificial, and stale, and impersonal. Few of my favorite teaching “moves” translate very well to online instruction–no one has figured out how to rehearse a band virtually, CONTINUE READING: "How Are You Doing With Teaching in This Pandemic?" Not So Well… | Eclectablog