Sunday, May 10, 2020

Does Reimagining Education Mean Using Technology In Place of Adequate Funding? or, Further Integrating Technology into Classroom Practice? | Ed In The Apple

Does Reimagining Education Mean Using Technology In Place of Adequate Funding? or, Further Integrating Technology into Classroom Practice? | Ed In The Apple

Does Reimagining Education Mean Using Technology In Place of Adequate Funding? or, Further Integrating Technology into Classroom Practice?

This has been an incredibly turbulent week in the world of education.
On Monday the Board of Regents held a totally online meeting (Watch video here) and addressed the myriad remote learning issues facing education in the state.
On Tuesday the governor mused about education, “I’m ready. I’m ready for change,” and “let’s start talking about really revolutionizing education,”
 “When does change come to a society? Because we all talk about change and advancement, but really we like control, and we like the status quo and it’s hard to change the status quo,” he said. “But you get moments in history where people say, ‘Okay, I’m ready. I’m ready for change. I get it.’ I think this is one of those moments. And I think education, as well as other topics, is a topic where people will say, ‘Look, I’ve been reflecting, I’ve been thinking, I learned a lot.’ We all learned a lot about how vulnerable we are and how much we have to do, and let’s start talking about really revolutionizing education. And it’s about time.
What does changing the status quo mean?
The governor has had at times contentious, at times collaborative relationship with educators in the state.
Eight years ago the governor created an education reform commission,