Thursday, May 28, 2020

Burris and Kilfoyle: The Charter Schools That Are Double-Dipping Federal CARES Funds | Diane Ravitch's blog

Burris and Kilfoyle: The Charter Schools That Are Double-Dipping Federal CARES Funds | Diane Ravitch's blog

Burris and Kilfoyle: The Charter Schools That Are Double-Dipping Federal CARES Funds

Are charter schools public schools or small businesses with government contracts? They claim to be public schools, even though they have private, unelected boards and private management. Yet many charter schools applied for and received federal funds from the CARES Act, at the urging of their lobbyists, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools.
They took money intended to save small businesses. Public schools are not allowed to apply.
Writing at Valerie Strauss’s “The Answer Sheet,” Carol Burris and Marla Kilfoyle of the Network for Public Education ask Why charter schools get this money?
Please open the article to see the many links to sources.
Valerie Strauss writes:
When Congress passed a huge economic assistance aid package in March, known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, it included $13.5 billion in funding for K-12 grants to states. Most of the money was supposed to be distributed to school districts and charter schools through a formula based on their share of Title 1 funds, which are intended to help CONTINUE READING: Burris and Kilfoyle: The Charter Schools That Are Double-Dipping Federal CARES Funds | Diane Ravitch's blog