Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Betsy DeVos Needs to Work Harder | The Merrow Report

Betsy DeVos Needs to Work Harder | The Merrow Report

Betsy DeVos Needs to Work Harder

Betsy DeVos has been working to undermine public education ever since she became Donald Trump’s Secretary of Education in February 2017, about 1200 days ago.  Will a recent exposé on the front page of the New York Times derail–or even slow down–her determined effort?
That’s doubtful.  But you should know that she’s now using pandemic dollars to weaken public schools.  
Frankly, she’s not as efficient as she could be, so at the end of this piece I have a couple of tips that will help DeVos finish the job of completely destroying public schools, forever.  Please read on…  
In a story headlined “DeVos Funnels Coronavirus Relief Funds to Favored Private and Religious Schools,” the Times’s Erica Green lays out in excruciating detail how the Secretary, herself a graduate of a Christian high school and a Christian college, has taken the $30 billion appropriated by Congress to help education institutions upended by the pandemic and diverted it to institutions and policies that support her vision of privatized, God-centric education.  In doing so, she’s taking dollars away from low-income children–not because she’s against disadvantaged children. They happen to attend public schools, her target.
And we are not talking chump-change here, either.  For example, Bergin University of Canine Studies in California, whose purpose is to ‘advance the human-canine partnership through research and education,’ received $472,850 in pandemic relief CONTINUE READING: Betsy DeVos Needs to Work Harder | The Merrow Report