Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Bain And Company Arrive At LAUSD – Los Angeles Education Examiner

Bain And Company Arrive At LAUSD – Los Angeles Education Examiner

Bain And Company Arrive At LAUSD

While families have been scrambling to homeschool and accessorize their 20 million+ LAUSD GrabNGo meals, the District’s Superintendent and improbably employed former investment-banker, Austin Beutner, has sought guidance from his own comfort-sector, the world of corporate management consulting.
Last Wednesday, May 6 2020, LAUSD announced that Bain & Company will work on a pro bono basis “to evaluate and implement strategies to help teachers, students and families in remote, online learning.” Meanwhile the firm of Bain & Company itself announced a very different mandate to “identify and prioritize potential initiatives [based on research and insights by education experts, key district stakeholders and Los Angeles Unified personnel…] that have a tangible impact, are fiscally responsible and can be implemented quickly. Based on agreed-upon priorities, Bain will then design a high-level plan of action for Los Angeles Unified to consider. … At Bain we are committed to investing in high impact education initiatives.”
That is, notwithstanding direct authorization from LAUSD’s elected, policy-setting schoolboard, the Superintendent has invited activist, business management consultants to filter LA’s Unified School District through a sieve of market efficiency – not educational –strategies.
The management consulting firm of Bain & Company is far from a CONTINUE READING: Bain And Company Arrive At LAUSD – Los Angeles Education Examiner