Saturday, May 23, 2020

2020 Medley #11: DeVos, Cuts, and Online education | Live Long and Prosper

2020 Medley #11: DeVos, Cuts, and Online education | Live Long and Prosper

2020 Medley #11: DeVos, Cuts, and Online education

Arne Duncan, Barack Obama’s Secretary of Education said that Hurricane Katrina was “the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans.” The test scores of students in New Orleans did improve, though that was likely due to increased funding (by nearly $1400 per student) and the fact that the number of students living in poverty decreased significantly. In any case, the point is that Duncan ignored the suffering of hundreds of thousands of Americans as an excuse to privatize public education.
Not to be outdone by this, Betsy DeVos is all for using the suffering of millions and the deaths of tens of thousands to support privatizing public education throughout the entire country.
Taking Duncan one step further, DeVos has ignored Congressional intent for the millions of dollars set aside to support public schools that serve all children and manipulated its distribution with “guidelines” intended to dump more than originally intended into the coffers of private and religious schools.
Just how much damage can this administration do to public education, and the rest of the country, before they are finally replaced next January?
Vouchers are a bad policy idea during the best of times, and during this pandemic, they’re even worse. Voucher programs don’t improve student achievement, lack appropriate oversight and accountability and, of course, CONTINUE READING: 
2020 Medley #11: DeVos, Cuts, and Online education | Live Long and Prosper