Saturday, April 4, 2020

The First Taste is Free: Ed Tech Follows Drug Dealer Sales Techniques with Schools During Coronavirus Crisis | gadflyonthewallblog

The First Taste is Free: Ed Tech Follows Drug Dealer Sales Techniques with Schools During Coronavirus Crisis | gadflyonthewallblog

The First Taste is Free: Ed Tech Follows Drug Dealer Sales Techniques with Schools During Coronavirus Crisis

“Pst! Hey, Kid! Come here!”
Educational technologies are a multi-billion dollar industry.
“Who? Me?”
The coronavirus pandemic has closed schools across the globe, and districts have tried to solve this problem by putting their classes online.
“Yeah, you. I’ve got some… candy I want to give you.”
“Oh boy! I sure love candy… Wait a minute! How much does it cost?”
Teachers, parents, students and education activists are wary of educational technologies in the classroom, and research backs them up. Ed tech has been shown to widen socioeconomic divides, it hasn’t lived up to its promise of increasing CONTINUE READING: The First Taste is Free: Ed Tech Follows Drug Dealer Sales Techniques with Schools During Coronavirus Crisis | gadflyonthewallblog