Tuesday, April 28, 2020

SPECIAL CORONAVIRUS UPDATE Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... The latest news and resources in education since 2007

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... 
The latest news and resources in education since 2007


This Week’s Resources To Support Teachers Coping With School Closures

Wokandapix / Pixabay I have a number of regular weekly features (see HERE IS A LIST (WITH LINKS) OF ALL MY REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURES ). This is a relatively new addition to that list. Some of these resources will be added to The Best Advice On Teaching K-12 Online (If We Have To Because Of The Coronavirus) – Please Make More Suggestions ! and the best will go to The “Best Of The Best” Resources To
Video Trailer On New Michelle Obama Film: Really, Who ISN’T Going To Watch It?

janeb13 / Pixabay “Becoming” is a Netflix film coming on May 6th: Becoming is an intimate look into the life of former First Lady Michelle Obama during a moment of profound change, not only for her personally but for the country she and her husband served over eight impactful years in the White House. The film offers a rare and up-close look at her life, taking viewers behind the scenes as she em
“Four Ways to Support African American Students Through the COVID-19 Emergency”

Four Ways to Support African American Students Through the COVID-19 Emergency is the headline of my latest Education Week Teacher column. Educator Adeyemi Stembridge, Ph.D., shares strategies to bolster African American students during our present emergency, such as inviting them to share their stories and their art. Here’s an excerpt:
Four New Online Learning Games

The Webby Awards just announced their nominees for this year. It always takes awhile to look through them to distinguish the wheat from chaff, and it’s not helped by its cumbersome navigation process, but here are some online learning games that I discovered there: Passport To Mars is from Scholastic, and puts you in the position of being an astronaut traveling to….Mars. Stax is a game designed t


New TED-Ed Video & Lesson: “The dark history of IQ tests”

geralt / Pixabay Here’s the latest TED-Ed lesson and video:
Excellent Series Of Short Videos About Historical Pandemics

Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay FRANCE 24 English has just unveiled a series of excellent and very accessible short videos about famous pandemics in history. You can see the entire playlist here . I’ve embedded an example below. I’m adding it to A BEGINNING LIST OF THE BEST RESOURCES FOR LEARNING ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS.
Highlighting Scientists Who Succeeded More Through Effort Than Brilliance Enhances Student Motivation In Science

A new study, which actually describes three separate ones reinforcing the same conclusion, finds that students become more motivated to learn science if they are told about famous scientists who supposedly succeeded more from their effort than from their natural talents. You can read about it at Not All Scientists Are Equal: Role Aspirants Influence Role Modeling Outcomes in STEM , and it is NOT
Ed Tech Digest

Eight years ago, in another somewhat futile attempt to reduce the backlog of resources I want to share, I began this occasional “” post where I share three or four links I think are particularly useful and related to…ed tech, including some Web 2.0 apps. You might also be interested in THE BEST ED TECH RESOURCES OF 2019 – PART TWO , as well as checking out all my edtech resources . Here are this

APR 26

“Visualization of ‘Tips for Remote Teaching With ELL Students'”

Visualization of ‘Tips for Remote Teaching With ELL Students’ is the headline of my latest Education Week Teacher column. Teacher Wendi Pillars shares a visual illustration of the points I made in my video, “Tips for Remote Teaching With ELL Students.”
Free Resources From All My Books

Every two months, I reprint this post so that new subscribers learn about these resources. I have many free resources, including excerpts and student hand-outs, available from all my books. Clicking on the covers will lead you to them. Look for a fourth book in my student motivation series (out in 2022) and a second edition of The ESL/ELL Teachers Survival Guide (out in 2021), along with three bo
Guest Post: Pros & Cons Of Online Learning For ELLs

Editor’s Note: I’ve been publishing a series of posts – both here and at Education Week – sharing teacher’s experiences dealing with the school closure crisis. The first post appearing here was headlined Guest Post: My School Was Closed Because Of COVID-19 & Here Is A Report About Our Online Teaching. Eva Buyuksimkesyan shares her experience in the second, Guest Post: Teaching An Istanbul English
Video: “Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman offers words of hope amid pandemic”

ShonEjai / Pixabay Here’s a new video from CBS News:
Video: “Distance Learning and English Language Learners”

mohamed_hassan / Pixabay Jeffrey Garrett and Manuel Rustin host a great series called All Of The Above . I was honored to appear on their latest episode:

My Most Popular Tweets Of The Month

PhotoMIX-Company / Pixabay I used to post weekly collections of my best tweets, and used Storify to bring them together. Unfortunately, Storify went under. Fortunately, however, Wakelet was a new tool that was able to import 
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... | The latest news and resources in education since 2007