Sunday, April 5, 2020

Russ on Reading: Hula Dancing, Singing and a Teacher's Impact

Russ on Reading: Hula Dancing, Singing and a Teacher's Impact

Hula Dancing, Singing and a Teacher's Impact

Recently, I had a former student reach out to me recently on Facebook Messenger. Back in the early 1980s, all middle school students were required to take a developmental reading course. This former student had been wracking his brain to come up with the title of a book he had read in my class 40 years ago.  He described the basic plot, mentioned that it contained some “bad language” and I recalled a book entitled. Headman, by Kin Platt that was on my choice bookshelf back in those days. That was the one, he said.

This incident reminded me of the influence we have as teacher in ways that we may not even know or realize. I had not heard from this student in nearly 40 years and yet this book had resonated with him in a memorable way. I gave him a socially distanced fist bump and smiled a little to myself.

Over the years I have great memories of teachers who have influenced me. There was Mrs. Stout, in sixth grade, who taught me to believe in myself. There were Mr. Laidacker, Mr. Kautz, Mr. Turner and Mr. DiSangro, who fostered my love of history, which caused me to be a history major as an undergraduate.. The was Mr. Blough, the passionate music appreciation teacher, who fostered an eclectic love of music from Bach to Benny CONTINUE READING: 
Russ on Reading: Hula Dancing, Singing and a Teacher's Impact