Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How will the decision to re-open schools be made? What will re-opened schools look like? | Ed In The Apple

How will the decision to re-open schools be made? What will re-opened schools look like? | Ed In The Apple

How will the decision to re-open schools be made? What will re-opened schools look like?

“You can’t bring back a life; you can start a new business”
 “There’s no on/off switch”
Sunday morning Mayor de Blasio outlined his “Restart” proposals (See here  on Twitter) and a few hours later Governor Cuomo outlined his “Reimagine” Plan (Read here).
Perhaos, just perhaps, de Blasio and Cuomo could shake hands, virtujally of course, and work together.
Both plans are light on education,
De Blasio appointed a task force that will report out a draft proposal by June 1st, Cuomo spoke in general terms about a phased re-opening based on two weeks of positive data, aka, the curves continuing to decline.
Cuomo mused about the whether schools should open in the summer. Summer schools to make up for remote learning losses, and, acknowledged that we were unprepared for the instantaneous switch from classroom instruction to remote CONTINUE READING: How will the decision to re-open schools be made? What will re-opened schools look like? | Ed In The Apple