Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How Schools Worldwide Are Tackling the Coronavirus Challenge - Yes! Magazine

How Schools Worldwide Are Tackling the Coronavirus Challenge - Yes! Magazine

How Schools Worldwide Are Tackling the Coronavirus Challenge
Schools are closed for hundreds of millions of students, but educators, parents, and children are still learning—including how to keep a sense of connection.

Cats, puppies, and stuffed animals prance across Tracy Westberg’s screen.
A sixth grade social studies teacher north of Seattle, Westberg is conducting a virtual session on the Tuesday after her Washington state school district’s switch to all-online education, because of the coronavirus.  Westberg had planned a session about world religions, only to watch her students erupt into silliness and gleeful chaos, as they seized the chance to share their most cherished home items with classmates during a show-and-tell break.
It’s been an unexpected joy amid a massive online education experiment.
“OK, time out!” Westberg says, clicking “mute” to regain control of the group of about 60. After a pause, her students continue to astonish her. As she launches an overview of Buddhism, her students post queries in a shared virtual chat. Other students jump in to answer.
“I’m super excited,” Westberg says after closing the session Tuesday. The sidebar chatting among students would not have happened in a brick-and-mortar classroom.
As authorities worldwide attempt to slow the spread of the coronavirus by closing schools and universities, more than 420 CONTINUE READING: How Schools Worldwide Are Tackling the Coronavirus Challenge - Yes! Magazine