Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How are school leaders planning for September? What guidance can we expect from the Governor, the Regents/Commissioner, and the school district? What decisions will be left to schools? | Ed In The Apple

How are school leaders planning for September? What guidance can we expect from the Governor, the Regents/Commissioner, and the school district? What decisions will be left to schools? | Ed In The Apple

How are school leaders planning for September? What guidance can we expect from the Governor, the Regents/Commissioner, and the school district? What decisions will be left to schools?

My last blog explored how parents would make decisions about whether their children would return to school in September. Today, how are school leaders: they have an incredibly complex task; responding each and every day and   thinking about what will September look like in their school.
Of course, a great deal depends on decisions higher up the chain. Remember; before Moses decided to part the Red Sea he checked with the bosses upstairs.
Every few days I check in with a thoughtful school leader.
I asked,
“How did you react when the announcement was made to close schools and move to remote learning?”
The school leader,
“Remote learning was like getting ‘pushed off the end of a diving board’ introduction to the new world. . .
While it was only a month ago it seems like many, many months, I used to greet kids as they entered the building, walk the halls, check in on classrooms, CONTINUE READING: How are school leaders planning for September? What guidance can we expect from the Governor, the Regents/Commissioner, and the school district? What decisions will be left to schools? | Ed In The Apple