Monday, April 27, 2020

NANCY BAILEY: 8 Ways to Save Public School Funding During and After Covid-19

8 Ways to Save Public School Funding During and After Covid-19

8 Ways to Save Public School Funding During and After Covid-19

Everyone’s worried about the budgetary fallout that will affect public schools after the corona virus pandemic is over. The situation appears grim. Meanwhile, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and her friends are still seeking to privatize public education. The CARES Act has given her free rein.
Governor Andrew Cuomo warns that without federal assistance, school funding across New York could be cut in half.  In Virginia, a much-needed teacher and state-worker raise is likely gone, and a free student community college program could lose $71 million. Most school districts are like Alameda, California, which seem secure for now, but have questions about the future. In some states school staff are already being furloughed.
DeVos approved $13.2 billion to states with few strings attached. She says,
Now is the time to truly rethink education and to get creative about how we meet each student’s unique needs.    
The rest of us can and should rethink education too. Here are suggestions as to how to cut expenses, tax dollars, and focus on what’s best for students. They are not in any specific order. I welcome additional thoughts and ideas. They are our schools too, Betsy.  

1. End Charter Schools

Why do we have two separate school systems that work against each other? This is the time to rethink charter schools. In “Federal Charter Schools Program a Fountain of Corruption and Disruption,” Thomas Ultican provides compelling CONTINUE READING: 8 Ways to Save Public School Funding During and After Covid-19