Saturday, March 21, 2020

Top 10 Things I Want My Students to do During the Coronavirus Quarantine | gadflyonthewallblog

Top 10 Things I Want My Students to do During the Coronavirus Quarantine | gadflyonthewallblog

Top 10 Things I Want My Students to do During the Coronavirus Quarantine

Dear Students,
A schoolteacher without a classroom is kind of like a firefighter without a fire.
Or a police officer without crime.
But here we are – self-quarantined at home.
Our classroom sits empty, and everyday this week we sit here at home wondering what to do.
I want you to know that I’ve been thinking about all of you.
I hope you’re doing alright during this unprecedented moment in history. It probably seemed like a lot of fun when it first happened.
No school for the foreseeable future!
The whole thing came together so quickly that our district didn’t even have time to get together work to send home with you. And like most schools throughout the country, many of you don’t have home internet access so we can’t fairly give you on-line lessons, either.
So you’ve been at home with little guidance from us. Sure we have free breakfast and lunches available for pick up at the school, but you’re probably growing a bit stir CONTINUE READING: Top 10 Things I Want My Students to do During the Coronavirus Quarantine | gadflyonthewallblog