Friday, March 13, 2020

Teacher Tom: Covid-19 Is Breaking My Heart

Teacher Tom: Covid-19 Is Breaking My Heart

Covid-19 Is Breaking My Heart

We all know what to do: wash your hands, cough into your elbow, stay home if you're feeling ill, avoid large crowds, especially stay away from people who are visibly sick, and maybe don't go visit grandma for the time being.

That last one depresses me beyond measure. My mother-in-law is currently a dementia resident of a memory ward in an assisted living facility. They have been on complete lock down for a couple weeks now. This means no visitors, they are confined to their rooms, even dining alone. No group activities are permitted, not even getting together for a hand or two of cards. I haven't had the courage to ask her, but I suspect, if given a choice, she would rather risk death than suffer much more of this kind of isolation.

Before you jump down my throat, please know that I understand why these steps have been taken. I understand that we are keeping everyone safe, that we are trying to prevent the chaos of suddenly overwhelmed hospitals. And please understand that I've not undertaken action to illicitly "free" my mother-in-law, although I've sure thought about it. My heart is simply breaking at what this is doing to people like her, already isolated, and now fully isolated from all but CONTINUE READING: 
Teacher Tom: Covid-19 Is Breaking My Heart