Friday, March 20, 2020

Parents-Turned-Homeschoolers Agree: Teachers Are Amazing!

Parents-Turned-Homeschoolers Agree: Teachers Are Amazing!

Parents-Turned-Homeschoolers Agree: Teachers Are Amazing!

As parents everywhere in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak are trying to keep instruction going at home with their children, they’re realizing something: Teaching is very hard work! Though it comes as no surprise to educators, it feels good to be acknowledged by so many, even in these dire circumstances.
It’s been a stressful time for everyone, so we thought we could lighten the mood a bit with a round-up of shout outs from the twittersphere that say it all — teachers are amazing, they work extremely hard, and they deserve much higher pay. CONTINUE READING: Parents-Turned-Homeschoolers Agree: Teachers Are Amazing!