Thursday, March 5, 2020


NYC Public School Parents


Curtis D. Young on how large classes contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline

Curtis D. Young, a member of CB12 Youth and Education Committee and the Executive Director of a juvenile justice nonprofit, testifies at the Class Size Hearings on Feb. 28 about how large classes in NYC schools contribute to high suspension rates and the school-to-prison pipeline. His written testimony is below the video. Testimony of Curtis Young at Class Size Hearings from Class Size Matters on
Shino Tanikawa on how Fair Student Funding system works against class size reduction and how small classes would facilitate integration

Testimony from Feb. 28 class size hearings at City Hall from Shino Tanikawa, a NYC public school parent leader. Shino is a member of the Fair Student Funding (FSF) taskforce, and discusses the difficult decisions principals must make regarding class size when the FSF system devised by DOE incentivizes them to overcrowd their schools and keep class sizes large. Also a member of the School Diversit
Karen Sprowal on how large classes caused her son to melt down

See the video of Karen Sprowal testifying at the City Council hearings on class size on Feb. 28. Karen described how large classes in her son's public school starting in the 4th grade caused him to melt down. Now he is doing well in a private school with small classes, with tuition paid for by the city at $93,000 per year. She explains how lowering class size would not just benefit so many NYC ch
Lorraie Forbes and Tiffani Torres speak out about how NYC students are being robbed because of excessive class sizes

High school students Lorraie Forbes and Tiffani Torres from Teens Take Charge testify about how important it is for NYC to lower class size to give students like them a real chance to succeed. As Lorraie put it, " I feel as if my fellow students and I are being robbed of the opportunity to be as big as we can be." When asked by Council Member Treyger how important class size is from one to ten, t

MAR 03

Must see video: Regent Kathy Cashin and City Council Education chair Mark Treyger on the importance of class size

See the video of Regent Kathleen Cashin's observations about class size which she made during the City Council hearings on Feb. 28 about what happened when she lowered class size in the District 23 schools when she was Superintendent. As she puts it, when you reduce class size, the "whole world changes." She explained how smaller classes are important both for students and their teachers, and lea

MAR 01

Testimonies of four mothers, speaking about how their children have been affected by the unacceptably large classes in city schools

The testimonies of parents, educators and advocates at the class size hearings at City Hall on Friday were so powerful that I am going to post many of them on this blog. Here is video of the proceedings -- nearly six hours. The hearings would have lasted even longer if many of the parents who wanted to testify hadn't been shut out because the room was too crowded. Here's an article about the hear

FEB 28

Council hearings on class size so overcrowded that scores of parents and advocates are turned away

credit @TeensTakeCharge For immediate release Friday, Feb. 28, 2020 Contact: Leonie Haimson; ; 917-435-9329. Today, from 10 AM to 3:45 PM, the City Council Education Committee held hearings 
NYC Public School Parents