Saturday, February 1, 2020

TIME Magazine: How the “Reform” Movement Has Failed America | Diane Ravitch's blog

TIME Magazine: How the “Reform” Movement Has Failed America | Diane Ravitch's blog

TIME Magazine: How the “Reform” Movement Has Failed America

This short article encapsulates the themes of my book SLAYING GOLIATH. Piling on tests and punishments for students and teachers and closing schools doesn’t solve any problems, and it certainly doesn’t improve education.
The article gives a much abbreviated history of “reform” from George W. Bush to Barack Obama to Betsy DeVos. Testing and choice, they assumed, would fix all the problems.
Not true.
For almost twenty years, the Bush-Obama-Trump program of standardized testing, punitive accountability, and school choice has been the reform strategy. It has utterly failed.
So the question remains: How do we improve our schools? We begin by recognizing that poverty and affluence are the most important determinants of test scores. This strong correlation shows up on every standardized test. Every standardized test is normed on a bell curve that reflects family income and education; affluent kids always dominate the top, and poor kids dominate the bottom. Nearly half the students in this country now qualify for free or reduced-price lunches, which is the federal measure of poverty. We can CONTINUE READING: TIME Magazine: How the “Reform” Movement Has Failed America | Diane Ravitch's blog