Saturday, February 8, 2020

There Are No Bernie Bros, Just Diverse Supporters Being Made Into What They’re Not | gadflyonthewallblog

There Are No Bernie Bros, Just Diverse Supporters Being Made Into What They’re Not | gadflyonthewallblog

There Are No Bernie Bros, Just Diverse Supporters Being Made Into What They’re Not

It’s time to call the whole “Bernie Bros” phenomenon exactly what it is – racist, sexist, homophobic propaganda.
I don’t mean that Bernie Sanders’ supporters are any of those things.

I mean that the term used to lump us all together is.
There is no monolithic group of angry straight men backing the Vermont Senator’s bid for the Democratic nomination for President in 2020. Nor was there in 2016.
A substantial portion of Sanders’ supporters are female, racially diverse and/or LGBTQ.
Women under 45 make up a larger share of Sanders’ base than do men of the same age, according to February findings from The Economist.
Moreover, women have given more money to his campaign than to any other candidate.
In November, Sanders raised about $17.1 million in itemized contributions, or 40% of CONTINUE READING: There Are No Bernie Bros, Just Diverse Supporters Being Made Into What They’re Not | gadflyonthewallblog