Friday, February 21, 2020

Eye Opening Book: The Power Worshippers | tultican

Eye Opening Book: The Power Worshippers | tultican

Eye Opening Book: The Power Worshippers

By Thomas Ultican 2/20/2020
Katherine Stewart’s The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism is a brilliant piece of investigative journalism. It shines a light on significant threats to American pluralism and representative democracy. The religious rights amazing successes now influence every aspect of American life, from the White House to local governments, from schools to hospitals. Stewart documents the origins of “the Russia thing” and the evangelical embrace of Donald Trump. She clarifies that the Christian right is not fighting a culture war; it is a political war waged against the institutions of American democracy and freedom of conscience.
Worshippers Cover Photo

Trump is a Gift from God

Ralph Drollinger: “I started sending him my Bible studies when he was running his campaign and Trump has been writing notes back to me ever since, in a positive sense. He likes loyalty.”
Paula White about Trump: “It is God that raises up a king.”
Franklin Graham on Trump’s election: “God’s had intervened.”
David Barton called Trump: “God’s guy.”
Sarah Huckabee Sanders claimed God: “wanted Trump to become president.”
Ralph Reed stated: “There has never been anyone who has defended us and CONTINUE READING: Eye Opening Book: The Power Worshippers | tultican