Friday, February 21, 2020

Don’t Extend Kids’ School Day; Shorten Parents’ Work Week | gadflyonthewallblog

Don’t Extend Kids’ School Day; Shorten Parents’ Work Week | gadflyonthewallblog

Don’t Extend Kids’ School Day; Shorten Parents’ Work Week

It’s rough being the parent of an American school student.
You often leave for work before your kids have even made it to school yet – and you get home long after they’ve returned.
Your kids have to get themselves to school. They have to get themselves home. And helping with homework, talking about their days, even setting a good example are all luxuries you have to pay dearly for with an ever-shrinking amount of time.
So what’s the solution?
For those of the think tank persuasion, the answer is more school.
Parents and kids schedules aren’t aligned? Well, align them then. Have kids in class from 9 to 5 just like their parents.
Not only will that make it easier for adults to take them to-and-from school, but it CONTINUE READING: Don’t Extend Kids’ School Day; Shorten Parents’ Work Week | gadflyonthewallblog