Saturday, February 1, 2020

A TEACHER Writes a Great Review of SLAYING GOLIATH in the Washington Post! | Diane Ravitch's blog

A TEACHER Writes a Great Review of SLAYING GOLIATH in the Washington Post! | Diane Ravitch's blog

A TEACHER Writes a Great Review of SLAYING GOLIATH in the Washington Post!

Melanie McCabe, an English teacher at Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virginia, and an author, wrote this terrific and accurate review of SLAYING GOLIATH.
Unlike the reviewer for the New York Times, who is not a teacher and gives no hint of ever having set foot in a classroom since she finished school and college, Melanie McCabe knows full well about the billionaire-funded attacks on public schools and their teachers, which continue to seek their privatization of our public schools and to impose business ideas about closing schools based on spurious data.
Teachers get it. Teachers know that their students are being strangled by high-stakes testing and their schools are deprived of resources when forced to compete with charters and vouchers, which do not offer better education than the public schools they harm.
McCabe writes:
[Ravitch] has written a thought-provoking, painstakingly researched account of those who have sought to privatize and monetize America’s schools. She calls them the “Disrupters,” and they are indeed a foe with all the intimidating strength of Goliath. Confronting this opponent is the “Resistance”: the ordinary teachers, parents and citizens who are fighting back and winning.
Ravitch exposes the self-serving motivations of the Disrupters — many of them among the richest people in CONTINUE READING: A TEACHER Writes a Great Review of SLAYING GOLIATH in the Washington Post! | Diane Ravitch's blog