Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Teachers Talk + 4 Tricks to Help Struggling Students - Teacher Habits

Teachers Talk - Teacher Habits

Teachers Talk

I’ve often heard teachers remark of their principals, “It’s like they forgot what it’s like to be in the classroom.” School leaders who spent years as a teacher seem to lose their classroom perspective in short order as they adjust to their new administrative roles. Some seem to forget that teachers have no time. As in literally no extra minutes anywhere in their day to do anything extra.
Some develop amnesia about just how vital planning time is and they ask their teachers to give it up, even though just a few short years ago they protected that time with everything they had.
And still others eschew their previously held beliefs about what it takes for students to be successful when they feel pressure from their bosses to raise test scores. They become the no-excuses,slave-to-the-data tyrants they used to abhor.
One of the most baffling cases of principals (and other school leaders) forgetting their roots is when they assume teachers won’t talk to other teachers. There is no logic behind such an assumption, especially since these leaders can regularly witness teachers talking to each other before and after school, before and after every meeting, during most meetings (including when they should be listening), at professional development days (often during the presentations), and literally every CONTINUE READING: 4 Tricks to Help Struggling Students - Teacher Habits

4 Tricks to Help Struggling Students

By Meghan Belnap
Whether you are a teacher, a parent, or a tutor, it is difficult to watch a student struggle to grasp the same concepts as other children. Each child learns differently depending on his or her personality. Reaching these kids means developing new tactics for learning. Here are four ways parents and educators can address learning complications. 

Use hands-on projects to supplement learning

Some children need to interact physically with new concepts. Taking time to work on a science project that teaches gravity, or using real-world objects during math lessons can help. History maps, graphs, videos, and other items can help these students connect the terminology in the brain. 
Provide a quiet space to learn where there are fewer distractions
Some children just need a quieter space to work. Providing a desk or table away from the main area can be helpful. The key is to make sure these students do not feel alienated from the rest of the class. Giving CONTINUE READING: 4 Tricks to Help Struggling Students - Teacher Habits