Monday, January 13, 2020

Providence Public Schools Threatened | tultican

Providence Public Schools Threatened | tultican

Providence Public Schools Threatened

By Thomas Ultican 1/13/2020
November 1, 2019, AngĂ©lica Infante-Green, Rhode Island’s new Commissioner of Education, announced the state was taking over Providence Public Schools. A neoliberal Democratic governor, a like minded mayor and the chamber of commerce appear to be instituting a school privatization agenda.
All power over schools in the state is held by the governor and mayors. Citizens do not have the right vote for local school leaders and school system leaders are subordinates of mayors. This structural weakness in Rhode Island has left public education vulnerable to the whims of a governor or mayor that does not respect professional educators and public education.
In 2011, Mayor Angel Taveras fired all of the teachers of Providence. In a recent article, Go Local Providence called it a “big bold idea” and seemed to lament that the teachers union got the firings reversed within a few days. This prompted Diane Ravitch to comment,
“Apparently the News Team wants the state commissioner to fire all the teachers now and is egging her on to do so.”
“Who will want to teach in a district where teachers are disposable, like tissues?
“Will Teach for America supply the new teachers after the existing workforce has been fired? Will they agree to stay longer than two years?”

Setting Up Providence Public Schools

Latino Public Radio reported on March 26, 2019, “The Council on Elementary CONTINUE READING: Providence Public Schools Threatened | tultican