Saturday, January 25, 2020

New Orleans High School Records Are Finally Audited. There Are Holes. | deutsch29

New Orleans High School Records Are Finally Audited. There Are Holes. | deutsch29

New Orleans High School Records Are Finally Audited. There Are Holes.

Almost-all-charter New Orleans has had a free pass for years from any audit of their record keeping. That’s part of the cutting-edge nature of a portfolio district: Make each charter school its own island in a sea of choice; neglect to build into this non-system any mechanism for assuring that the school can verify that its students are actually completing state-mandated educational requirements, and then scurry to effect “now-we’ll-audit” damage control when a nationally-embarrassing mega-crisis results from neglecting to audit student records in the first place.
Such a crisis occured in June 2019 for the Class of 2019 at Kennedy High School, operated by New Beginnings Schools Foundation, when a grade-fixing scandal led to the discovery that 49 percent of seniors being found to lack necessary credits and/or exam scores to graduate.
Once the transcripts hit the fan, so to speak, New Orleans schools superintendent, Henderson Lewis, decided to audit student records for all New Orleans high schools.
On January 23, 2020, published an article based upon the audit findings of the  records for 8 out of 25 New Orleans high schools. ( requested results for the other 17 schools but has not received a response from the district as of the writing.)
From the article:
The Orleans Parish school district’s first-ever audit of local public high CONTINUE READING: New Orleans High School Records Are Finally Audited. There Are Holes. | deutsch29