Friday, January 10, 2020

NANCY BAILEY: Pressuring Parents to Teach Their Kindergartners to Read: The New Norm?

Pressuring Parents to Teach Their Kindergartners to Read: The New Norm?

Pressuring Parents to Teach Their Kindergartners to Read: The New Norm?

Ahh. There’s no place like home, especially if you’re a kindergartner whose been sitting and working all day on phonics worksheets, or seated in front of a screen doing reading exercises.
Once you get off that school bus it will be time to finally make a break for it. Play awaits! Looking at those pictures in books are fun too. Books are  friends. They take you places you’ve never been even if you sometimes have to guess at the words.
But, what’s this? There’s mom, beckoning you with more reading instruction at the kitchen table!
Face it kid. You can’t get a break from the pressure. Play is a distant memory. Reading for fun is for later, if ever, after you learn letter sounds and rules and get out of those dull A level books.
Across the country, parents are being instructed by their children’s teachers on how to CONTINUE READING: Pressuring Parents to Teach Their Kindergartners to Read: The New Norm?