Thursday, January 2, 2020

My top blog posts of 2019. – Fred Klonsky

My top blog posts of 2019. – Fred Klonsky


Kiss it goodbye.

Exclusive to this blog from Kentucky teacher and pension activist Randy Wieck.
Here is an update on Kentucky teacher pension: KISS IT GOOD-BYE
Kentucky public school teachers were recently told by Governor Matt Bevin, that if the Kentucky Supreme Court rejected recent Senate Bill 151, (known in Kentucky as the Sewage Bill – all mentions of sewage were replaced with wording referring to teacher pensions in order to rush the bill through the legislature in the waning hours of the previous session) the teachers “could kiss your pension good-bye.”
The Supreme Court then proceeded to kiss SB 151 good-bye on procedural grounds.
Shortly after the Supreme Court ruling, the national credit rating agency Moody’s held that the court ruling was considered a “credit negative” for the pension as there was really no indication new funding was envisioned for the pension.
And as if that were not enough, Fitch rating agency stated in the last few days (January, CONTINUE READING: My top blog posts of 2019. – Fred Klonsky