Tuesday, January 14, 2020

LAUSD Candidate Profile: Dr. Silke Bradford

LAUSD Candidate Profile: Dr. Silke Bradford

LAUSD Candidate Profile: Dr. Silke Bradford

I am well known as an employee that ‘rocks the boat’ in giving my well-researched opinions and urgent advocacy in service of kids and upholding the law.”
– Dr. Silke Bradford
Dr. Silke Bradford is an education professional who states that she has spent the last 20 years in the field of education at every level (teacher, assistant principal, principal, and senior director) in school districts and the county office of education. As the Los Angeles Times notes, she “has worked mostly in traditional school systems, including overseeing charters, but [she] also has experience with a charter organization.” Depending on how she positions her campaign, she could use this broad experience to her advantage by presenting herself as the candidate not beholden to either UTLA or the charter industry. Or she could draw so much fire from both sides that her chances will be doomed. CONTINUE READING: LAUSD Candidate Profile: Dr. Silke Bradford