Friday, January 17, 2020

House rebukes DeVos plan to protect predatory for-profit colleges - Education Votes

House rebukes DeVos plan to protect predatory for-profit colleges - Education Votes

House rebukes DeVos plan to protect predatory for-profit colleges

By Mary Ellen Flannery
Betsy DeVos’ attempts to protect predatory for-profit colleges that have defrauded students—and to sabotage students’ ability to get debt relief from the federal government—hit a major roadblock in the U.S. House on Thursday.
By a 231 to 180 vote, the House passed a resolution to block DeVos’ efforts to gut protections for student borrowers and taxpayers in the nearly 30-year-old “borrower defense rule.”
“By passing this resolution, the House made clear that we care more about defending defrauded students than enriching predatory schools,” said U.S. Rep. Susie Lee (D-NV). “We told Betsy DeVos that we’re not going to sit on the sidelines while these institutions scam our families, our friends, our neighbors, and our veterans while they’re trying to get an education.”
The borrower defense rule dates to 1992, when Congress reauthorized the Higher Education Act. It was strengthened during the Obama administration after the abrupt collapse of the massive, for-profit Corinthian College chain in 2014, which left tens of thousands of students CONTINUE READING: House rebukes DeVos plan to protect predatory for-profit colleges - Education Votes