Saturday, January 4, 2020

Educators’ 2020 wish list - Education Votes

Educators’ 2020 wish list - Education Votes

Educators’ 2020 wish list - Education Votes 

By Amanda Menas
As we start a new decade, educators are hopeful and energized, ready to work hard for the future of their students, schools, and communities. Last year, educators made dreams a reality by rallying for investment in public schools and showing up on election day. They advocated for higher salaries and better funding for their school programs. 
NEA loves to hear from our members. When we asked on Facebook what they want in 2020, educators across the country expressed many common goals, such as electing a new president or getting rid of Betsy DeVos. But they also shared hopes specific to their local communities and the kids they see in their classrooms every day.  
All educators want for 2020 is…
“Educators, students, and their families can only reach their full potential if they have the necessary medical care. This includes parity for mental health services. The only way to achieve this is by implementing Medicare for All. For almost all educators this will actually save money.” — Jim B., California

“100% BLACK TEACHERS IN BLACK SCHOOLS.” — Marshata C., Illinois

“In 2020 I want to see IDEA funded by the federal government by 40% instead of the current 14%” — Colleen B.

“Librarians in every school.” — Sara R., Massachusetts.

“I’d like to see school districts be able to fund the ASCA recommended ratio of 250 CONTINUE READING: Educators’ 2020 wish list - Education Votes